09 Srp 2024

Hallo everybody, we are presenting some actual information:

– We stocked rainbows to the river to competition sectors and practice sectors on Tuesday, we stocked them from raft from Herbertov to Rožmberk and from Rožmberk about 1 km under the end of the competition sector 5

– There will be open fly-fishing shop by Karel Křivanec in Penzion Herbertov from Friday 9.8. till Monday 12.8., Hanák Shop in České Budějovice is open every week Tuesday – Friday 9:00 – 17:00

– The championship will start with lunch of all attendants in Penzion Herbertov on Sunday 12:00-13:00, next will be there registration 12:00 -13:00 and captains meeting from 14:00. You can make check-in to Hotels before or after lunch. 

– We have no transport for teams staying in Rožmberk to Penzion Herbertov for registration, opening ceremony and first day of competition, please bring your team by car, and from Tuesday we can arrange transport of competitors from Rožmberk by bus if necessary

– We will keep original schedule of competition 9:00 – 12:00, but as we expect high number of canoes on river caused by forecasted hot weather, we would like to start in sector 3, 4 and 5 from 8:30 or 8:00 to avoid main traffic, we will see if we will be able to manage it. We will discus it during the captains meeting. As you can see on the map, sectors 3 and 4 are located just at the Penzion Herbertov, so the travel time is in minutes.

– Please, avoid competition sectors during practice, we published detailed google map on website
