We upgraded information about practice. Please, don’t practice in all competition sectors both for ladies and masters.
According to Czech law, before start of fishing, you have to record date and number of fishery to the fishing permit. Number of fishery (6 digits starting by 423 …) you can find on the map or book which you will get with the fishing permit. Or on the sign at every fishery.
It is already possible to find the localisation of the competition sectors on the website.
In the Květoňov lake and the Lipno II lake, the practice is already impossible, for the practice of the lake fishing you can visit two smaller lakes Soběnov (48.7419850N, 14.5531278E), Malče (48.7839542N, 14.5237650E) and Dobrkovská Lhotka (48.7891964N, 14.5989700E), they will be stocked by the same fish like competition lakes.
In the other waters, there is possible to practice in sufficient practice waters outside of the competition sectors.