23 Kvě 2024

Timetable for Friday

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Departure of busses will be at 7:00 as usually, we would like to start session at Lipno Lake at 8:30 and on Sector VI Vltava lower at 9:15, other sessions at 9:00.

Departure of buses for Sectors I, II, IV and V will be at 11:30 , pick up for Sector III will be at 12:00

We expect this timings for the sessions:

Sector I  Lipno lake – 13:00 – 16:00

Sector II  Vltava upper – 13:15 – 16:15

Sector III Vltava lower – 13:30 – 16:30

Sector IV Malše river – 13:15 – 16:15

Sector V Květoňov lake – 13:00 – 16:30

If we have a problem with transport, we will adjust the timing to give you enough time for preparation, at least 30 minutes according to FIPS MOUCHE rules

Closing ceremony

Departure of busses for the ceremony at 18:30 from Zátoň, at 18:45 from Rožmberk and at 19:00 from Herbertov
