
Updated 27.3.2018

Penzion Herbertov

No. No. of beds Beds used Comment Team Arrival
101 2  2  Norway  + FIPS  Mouche, Cato  May 30 th
102 2  2  Norway  May 30 th
103 2  1  Norway  May 30 th
104 2  1  Norway  May 30 th
105 2 1  FIPS Mouche,  Stefan Allacker  June 2th
105 A 2+2  4  apartman  FIPS Mouche, David, Miro, Dirk, Roberto  June 2th
106 2  2  apartman  England (dep. June 13th)   June 1st
107 (DB) 2  1  England (dep. June 13th)   June 1st
108 (DB) 2  2  apartman  England   June 1st
109 2  2  England   June 1st
110 (2x DB) 4  3  Organisers Bára + Iva + Jitka  June 6th
201 2  1  FIPS Mouche, Mario Podmaník  June 5th
202 2  1  Finland men  June 4th
203 2  2  Ireland  June 6th
204 2  2  Ireland  June 6th
205 2  2  Ireland  June 6th
206 3  2  Spain  June 2nd
207 2  2  apartman  Spain  May 29th
208 3  3  Spain  May 29th
209 3  2  Finland Ladies  June 6th
210 2  2 apartman  Finland Ladies  June 6th
211 3  2  Finland Ladies  June 6th
212 2  2 apartman  CZ Ladies  June 1st
213 3  3  CZ Ladies  June 1st
214 4  Poland  June 5th
Cottage 1 5 4  Organisers  June 4th
Cottage 2 5 4  CZ1  May 30th
Cottage 3 5 4  CZ2  June 5 th
Cottage 4 5  5  Latvia  June 2nd
Cottage 5 5  5  Slovensko  June 5th
Cottage 6 5  5  Finland men  June 6th
Cottage 7 5  5  Poland June 5th


Hotel Panský dům

No. No. of beds Beds used Comment Team Arrival
1 2  2  Netherlands  June 2nd
2 2  2  Netherlands  June 2nd
3 2  1  Netherlands  June 2nd
4 2  1  Netherlands  June 2nd
5 2  2  Belgium  June 2nd
6 2  2  Belgium  June 2nd
7 2  1  Belgium  June 2nd
8 2  2  France  June 6th
9 3  2  France  June 6th
10 2  2  Scotland   June 6th
11 2  2  Scotland   June 6th
12 2  2  Scotland   June 6th
14 2  2  Italy  June 6th
15 2  2  Italy  June 6th
16 2  2  Italy  June 6th
17 1
18 2  2  Italy  June 6th
19 2  2  Montenegro  June 6th
20 2  2  Montenegro  June 6th
21 2  1  Montenegro  June 6th
22 3  3  France  June 6th
23 2
24 1
25 2
26 2
27 2